
I’m a first year PhD student in the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Before I joined UW-Madison, I graduated from the EWHA Womans University with a B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science. There, I worked at the Human-Computer Interaction Lab, advised by Professor Uran Oh. I also worked with Professor David Lindlbauer and Yukang Yan when I visited at Carnegie Mellon University with the Korean National AI Talent Scholarhip.

In my research journey, I aim to develop an environment where humans can co-exist with AI-enabled robots. In other words, I want to make robots more desirable one to humans. To do so, I focus on (1) exploring what humans want from robots to be naturally accepted in complex human environments, (2) developing new AI-based interaction methods, working processes, algorithms, interfaces, etc., and (3) building robust large language models and vision-language models which aligns with human needs.


  • 2024.08.16
    • I arrived in Madison. Can’t wait to have an amazing time here!
  • 2024.04.15
    • I joined UW-Madison CS as a PhD student. Looking forward to continue my research with badgers 🦡
  • 2024.02.26
    • I graduated EWHA Womans University with MS Degree. Thanks for all!
  • 2024.01.25
    • I got the SIGCHI Gary Marsden Travel Awards.
  • 2023.12.14
    • My paper ‘Understanding Novice’s Annotation Process For 3D Semantic Segmentation Task With Human-In-The-Loop’ has been accepted to IUI’24. 👏
  • 2023.11.03
    • I succesfully defensed my master thesis. I appreciate to Prof. Uran Oh, Young Jun Kim, and Se Eun Oh.
  • 2023.01.30
    • My first paper, ‘The design space of the auditory representation of objects and their behaviours in virtual reality for blind people’ has been accepted to 2023 IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 🙌
  • 2022.06.03
    • I was selected as one of the top Korean 30 AI talent students and awarded the Korean goverment scholarship. I will join CMU as a visiting scholar.